Summary In this study, we asked S-LPs working with dysphagia patients in various facilities to tell us what they would like to see in a clinician web portal that would allow remote monitoring and management of patients completing dysphagia exercises at home with...
In this article, we sent patients home with our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of Mobili-T. We were interested in what adherence to home-based dysphagia exercise was when using a mobile health system that also provides biofeedback. We found that adherence over a 6 week...
In this study, we wanted to see if patients with a history of stroke could use the Mobili-T system. The study methods are similar to those previously used in our earlier usability study with patients with a history of head and neck cancer. We found that, depending on...
Imagine if going to the doctor’s office was like walking in the Apple store. Imagine if healthcare technology design was as inviting as an Apple watch or a Fitbit. Would you be more likely to use it? I have always considered myself a follower of technology; not an...
Understanding sEMG biofeedback signal for dysphagia: From brain signals to swallowing muscles to your phone screen If you have a swallowing disorder (dysphagia), you may have seen a speech-language pathologist (SLP). The SLP may have given you some exercises to...